Monday, September 12, 2011


I feel that I have been wasting a lot of time on the dreaded Facebook and it has in turn not allowed me to accomplish other things in my life. So I've deleted my account. dun dun dun... We'll see how I do with out it.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Smelly old t-shirt

It is my morning ritual to wear Rob's dirty shirts. Some would say that's gross. But, I find it very comforting and calming. The power of scents is very interesting. I decided to do a little research into why scents are so emotional. I found this quote:

"A smell can bring on a flood of memories, influence people's moods and even affect their work performance. Because the olfactory bulb is part of the brain's limbic system, an area so closely associated with memory and feeling it's sometimes called the "emotional brain," smell can call up memories and powerful responses almost instantaneously"

We associate certain scents with people, places and experiences. I have experienced that strange phenomenon. Mom had brought back a lotion from Trader Joe's and it reminded me of my Aunt Peggy's house. Rob was telling me the other day that at his job, The Montage Deer Valley, they have a particular air freshener scent that is only used at their hotel. Whenever I smell the women's Lucky brand perfume I remember a certain summer when I was 18. Its a bizarre transportation our brain does to help us remember. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Beginning

I am through my first week of Nursing school at Fortis College. Its a two year program, nothing too prestigious. Honestly I have a feeling that this may be a long next few (well 24) months. Its a little like Landmark Education. there are 24 students and all of varying ages and backgrounds. Everyone has to share their point of view constantly. I've already "killed off" at least two students in my mind. I feel bad for saying that. But sacrifices must be made if my perfect class is to move forward. Unfortunately the class is probably going to stay about the same, unless I get lucky and some specific few drop out. I was telling my mother about this and she wisely put that I should just appreciate them for who they are and view this as a learning experience. If only I had the patience she has.